28 Apr 2022 Adam Morrison and ASTM Committee F37 Featured in Flying Magazine
This week Streamline Designs is participating and moderating industry conversations at AUVSI XPonential 2022 in Orlando. When the cutting edge advances, I always find it helpful to look back at where light aviation was 25 years ago, where we are today, and where we are headed as an industry. In this article featured in Flying Magazine, Adam weighs in on a variety of perspective-giving topics:
- Why manufacturers always must comply with the latest FAA-accepted consensus standards (i.e. “Light Aviation Past”),
- Examples of innovation boosted through the use of ASTM standards for approvals (i.e. “Light Aviation Present”),
- MOSAIC and its effect on Light Sport Aircraft (i.e. “Light Aviation Future”), and
- Why you should consider joining ASTM to actively steward the future of light aviation.
While this article focuses on Light Sport Aircraft standards developed in committee F37, several other ASTM committees make innovative, safe light aviation possible, here in the United States and abroad:
- F38 on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- F39 on Aircraft Systems
- F44 on General Aviation Aircraft
- F46 on Aerospace Personnel
If you have any questions, feel free ask in a comment below or contact us at info@enablingflight.com.
You can read the whole article from Flying Magazine here.
If you are an LSA manufacturer who hasn’t taken the ASTM class in the past 4 years, refresh your training here.
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